Reddit上一个叫Cyberpunkphoto的版块,国外玩家会在该版块分享一些《赛博朋克2077》的好看照片。 大家在游玩时有拍下哪些?不妨在评论区分享一下。[doge]
根据Reddit的情报,微软和索尼都在给Cyberpunk 2077数字版提供退款。想退款的同学不妨试一试目前玩了一天了,说下感受第一想说的就是CDPR的宣发,发售前宣传本世代主机运行良好,可是媒体评测却没有主机版,演示没有ps4和xb1,刻意隐瞒主机上的表现。最后ps4和xb1的画面就这个B样,还疯狂掉帧,明显就是先把玩家糊弄上车,...
Cyberpunk2077 1.7解包详细内容分析 reddit提供的任务解包内容(quest文件夹),文本量字数在108245左右(仅对话部分) 虽然该1.7拓展内容没有提到任何新的朱迪浪漫场景以及合作任务,但是V在得到支线芯片之后彻底解决了relic的问题,可喜可贺,V还可以回地球向朱迪道歉。就是必须得走恶魔结局,因为芯片需要荒坂的医疗科技水平。
The Reddit thread is chock full of people having issues all the way back to the original Zen. Considering there is currently a hex edit workaround it should be relatively easy for CDPR to patch but we will see. I have a Ryzen 3600 and RTX 3080 setup and there are moments where ...
— Cyberpunk 2077 (@CyberpunkGame) August 18, 2021 Prev 1 … 35 36 37 38 39 … 45 Next You must log in or register to reply here. Share: Facebook X (Twitter) Reddit WhatsApp Email Link TRENDING THREADS Discussion Zen 5 Speculation (EPYC Turin and Strix Point/Granite Ridge - ...
Cyberpunk 2077developer CD Projekt Red has revealed that it is working on making the romance options within its latest open world game even more diverse than in The Witcher 3. The news arrives via a keen fan on Reddit who hopped in the DMs on Twitter with Pawel Sasko who is lead ...
At the Game Developers Conference 2023, CD Projekt RED announced (via Reddit) that the Cyberpunk 2077 RT Overdrive Mode will debut via a technology preview on April 11th, which will mark the release date of Update 1.62. The news came from theGDC 2023 session "Cyberpunk 2077' RT: Overd...
I noticed that Cyberpunk 2077 is spamming this in the log: 01dc:err:d3d12_fence_signal_external_events_locked: Failed to signal event, hr #80004005. 01dc:err:d3d12_fence_signal_external_events_locked: Failed to signal event, hr #80004005...
Reports on forums like Reddit further corroborate the existence of last-gen woes. This is Cyberpunk 2077 on PS4 currently. Shockingly disappointing.— ajb1310 (@ajb1310) December 10, 2020 This embedded content failed to load. This embedded conte...
It has been tested with Cyberpunk 2077 in the YouTube video with the comparison between DLSS 3.5.10, DLSS 3.6.0, and the newest DLSS 3.7.0. Additionally, some Reddit users reported seeing a noticeable difference on Horizon Forbidden West at 1440p. Generally, the DLSS 3.7.0 version can ...