Reddit上一个叫Cyberpunkphoto的版块,国外玩家会在该版块分享一些《赛博朋克2077》的好看照片。 大家在游玩时有拍下哪些?不妨在评论区分享一下。[doge]
根据Reddit的情报,微软和索尼都在给Cyberpunk 2077数字版提供退款。想退款的同学不妨试一试目前玩了一天了,说下感受第一想说的就是CDPR的宣发,发售前宣传本世代主机运行良好,可是媒体评测却没有主机版,演示没有ps4和xb1,刻意隐瞒主机上的表现。最后ps4和xb1的画面就这个B样,还疯狂掉帧,明显就是先把玩家糊弄上车,...
9. Allow Cyberpunk 2077 from Windows Firewall Windows Firewall blocksunauthorized access or threats that come from outside. It also monitors inside activities to prevent malware from being injected from the pen drive or external disks. Since Cyberpunk 2077 uses high memory usage,Windows firewall ...
reddit提供的任务解包内容(quest文件夹),文本量字数在108245左右(仅对话部分) 虽然该1.7拓展内容没有提到任何新的朱迪浪漫场景以及合作任务,但是V在得到支线芯片之后彻底解决了relic的问题,可喜可贺,V还可以回地球向朱迪道歉。就是必须得走恶魔结局,因为芯片需要荒坂的医疗科技水平。文本量10w字左右,我高强度整理了两...
Accessing Overlay settings in Discord Next, you need to disable the toggle associated withEnable in-game overlay. Disable the overlay in discord After you manage to disable the overlay, save the changes and launch Cyberpunk 2077 to see if the error still occurs. ...
Cyberpunk 2077 is an open world action RPG developed by CD Projekt RED.In Cyberpunk 2077, players take on the role of a mercenary named V. The game features character customization, a fluid class system, open world environments, branching storytelling, and more....
Comments "Cyberpunk 2077 Gameplay Leak Posted To Reddit" :: Login/Create an Account :: 8 comments If you would like to post a comment please signin to your account or register for an account.NickPosted: Sun. May 03, 2020 Honestly cant wait for this game. Saw the trailer last year ...
Redditor Enables Frame Generation on GeForce RTX 2070 With A Simple Config File The Redditor who goes by the username,JusDax, posted in the NVIDIA subreddit under a thread talking about new settings and features being added to Cyberpunk 2077. One of the upcoming features within Cyberpunk...
many players - and especially for PS4 players, who couldn't even buy the game from the PS store after a certain point, and still can't. CD Projekt Red has, since the game's release, launched 11 patches that fixed a myriad of bugs and optimized the games' performance - but a ton ...
[AMD SMT] Optimized default core/thread utilization for 4-core and 6-core AMD Ryzen(tm) processors. 8-core, 12-core and 16-core processors remain unchanged and behaving as intended. This change was implemented in cooperation with AMD and based on tests on both sides indicating that perform...