Malorian Arms 3516 -This pistol makes the cut for two reasons: It is very powerful and it just so happens to belong to Johnny Silverhand. This gun has more power than just about any other pistol in the game and if players manage to line up headshots they will be able to one-shot ne...
And Merciless level 64 would take care of his one shot one kill; just draw Johnny’s one-of-a-kind pistol 3516, land the first kill, and all the subsequent kills will come at a single shot. To make it an authentic Johnny Silverhand immersion, you could even choose to give up your b...
Johnny Silverhand's weapon: --- The Malorian Arms 3516 is a very powerful and unique pistol. The gun shoots explosive rounds and fires a flamethrower attack when using the melee function. The Malorian Arms 3516 is given by Grayson for completing the "Chippin' In" side-job, which is unloc...
Malorian Arms 3516 – With a good amount of damage, particularly Thermal damage, Johnny Silverhand’s pistol is definitely worth using. It even has four mod slots. Widow Maker – It’s a Tech weapon whose charged shots deal tons of damage with each shot firing two projectiles. Along with ...
A Very Heavy pistol is roughly 12mm; a .44 magnum revolver or desert eagle .50. There are also Special types, such as the infamous Malorian Johnny Silverhand carries (he's actually had several over the years, each one more powerful than the last.) The Malorian was spec'd t...
Aside from hooking up with Meredith Stout, Joytoys, or letting Johnny Silverhand have a long overdue date with Rogue, V has four main potential romantic partners inCyberpunk 2077. For a male V, these options are Panam Palmer, a Nomad from the Aldecado family and Johnny Silverhand's former...
From TMP/McFarlane's Toys.Enter the world ofCyberpunk 2077- a storydriven, open world RPG of the dark future from CD PROJEKT RED, creators ofThe Witcherseries of games. Collect a 7" scale version ofJohnny Silverhandwho comes accessorized with his Malorian Pistol, Guitar, and Whiskey bottle...
Cyberpunk 2077 Money Cheat Commands Game.AddToInventory(“,amount”,1) - Adds desired amount of eurodollars to your wallet Cyberpunk 2077 Johnny Silverhand Outfit Console Commands Game.AddToInventory(“Items.Q005_Johnny_Glasses”,1) - Adds part of Johnny’s outfit Game.AddToInventor...
Hot Toys現參照電玩遊戲《Cyberpunk 2077》中由男神奇洛李維斯扮演、遊戲核心角色推出Johnny Sliverhand 1:6比例珍藏人偶!在故事中,Johnny Silverhand 是一個革命義士亦是搖滾樂隊 Samurai 的主音歌手,並配有具代表性的機械化手臂! Johnny Silverhand人偶的極像真頭雕由Hot Toys韓國團隊參照型男奇洛李維斯的表情神髓、五...
And, i hate, hate hate games where a PISTOL does more damage per shot than an assault rifle. Johnny Silverhand is a cool character. I like that he's a douchebag who THINKS he's always right, but most of the time isn't. Instead of being a hero to emulate, it's a companion with...