Reddit上一个叫Cyberpunkphoto的版块,国外玩家会在该版块分享一些《赛博朋克2077》的好看照片。 大家在游玩时有拍下哪些?不妨在评论区分享一下。[doge]
Cyberpunk 2077, like The Witcher 3, will receive free DLC packs in the future, and it seems like free weapon packs, New Game Plus mode and more will be added to the game. Reddit user Saint-Piratetook a look at the game's files, discovering new information on the free DLC packs that...
等等等等,目前感觉只有写好剧本的任务表现尚可,free roaming完全没意思,这点跟二表哥,GTA V差太多了CDPR正在出后续补丁,但是玩家和市场买不买帐就另说了,而且游戏性方面的问题恐怕不是几个补丁就能搞定的 微博 微信 fred_sanity 2020-12-12 09:45 54回复 ...
— Cyberpunk 2077 (@CyberpunkGame) August 18, 2021 Prev 1 … 35 36 37 38 39 … 45 Next You must log in or register to reply here. Share: Facebook X (Twitter) Reddit WhatsApp Email Link TRENDING THREADS Discussion Zen 5 Speculation (EPYC Turin and Strix Point/Granite Ridge - ...
CD PROJEKT RED’s Cyberpunk 2077 will be receiving a brand new, free update introducing hotly anticipated gameplay elements. The latest REDstreams presented details regarding the new features coming with Update 2.1, which releases on December 5th for Last edited: Dec 1, ...
reddit提供的任务解包内容(quest文件夹),文本量字数在108245左右(仅对话部分) 虽然该1.7拓展内容没有提到任何新的朱迪浪漫场景以及合作任务,但是V在得到支线芯片之后彻底解决了relic的问题,可喜可贺,V还可以回地球向朱迪道歉。就是必须得走恶魔结局,因为芯片需要荒坂的医疗科技水平。文本量10w字左右,我高强度整理了两...
*Mike Pondsmith himself said this on Reddit: "Originally, I worked from relative loadouts (Winchester loading tables circa 1979) with the baseline damage calculated from the standard military .45 colt sidearm (what I grew up shooting). In an early draft of Cyberpunk I used actual ...
The Cyberpunk 2077 community with guides, item locations, interactive map, news, forums and much more.
↑ Mike Pondsmith on Reddit: "Not bad. I've spent (with Patrick at CDPR's help) an unholy number of hours tracking the evolution of Night City from the real Moro Bay (actually Moro Bay and Los Osos), through the 2020 period, to the RED period to 2077. Geologic maps and everything... Pre-Alpha Gameplay (2013) for Cyberpunk 2077 Gets Leaked on 4Chan Apparently, this is all coming from the source code leak from earlier. This besides the pre-alpha gameplay also got leaked to the thread...