You’ll also be able to change minor aspects of V’s appearance by equipping cyberware that enhances their abilities. But after starting your adventure, Cyberpunk 2077 doesn’t seem to let you change appearance in a manner similar to how you did when first creating your character. You can’...
角色外观修改器(Appearance Menu Mod) 汉化版 作者:MaximiliumM and CtrlAltDaz 版本: 1.8.2c ...
Cyberpunk 2077/bin/x64/plugins/cyber_engine_tweaks/mods/AppearanceChangeUnlocker (Attention, make sure you back all presets up before deleting this folder) On my ToDo list: - add the voice changer back and enable changing gender/voice - this might take a while ...
Change Your Character’s Appearance Mod: Arasaka Appearance UpdaterrnrnCategory: Cosmetic mod As substantial as Cyberpunk 2077’s character creation tool is, it lacks the ability to go back and modify certain aspects of V’s appearance after you begin the story. ...
JB - TPP MOD WIP Third Person Appearance Menu Mod Better Loot Markers Metro System Appearance Change Unlocker Better Vehicle Handling Cyberpunk 2077 HD Reworked ProjectCP77 ToolsIf you're interested in modding yourself, rfuzzo has released an initial set of modding tools for the RPG. This comes...
From now on, these items will increase their Rarity after performing a certain amount of upgrades. Added a base crafting spec for each item (Rare quality). The player's list of available crafting specs on existing saves will be properly updated to accommodate this change. ...
Cyberpunk 2077 - Windows 8 / 8.1 not supported Cyberpunk 2077 - EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION crash on launch Cyberpunk 2077 - Digital goodies - how to Cyberpunk 2077 - Can I redeem my code on another platform? Cyberpunk 2077 - Johnny Silverhand's Alternative Appearance Cyberpunk 2077 -...
Ultimate Photo Mode Helper. Spawn Companions. Change Appearances. Decorate Your House. Direct Your Actors.
It may have nothing to do with it, but it may also be the cause like as it happened with X4 after the appearance of the X4 "timelines" add-on. Version difference. Or what if the wrong start is caused by a sound bug in the add-on right at the intro? It would be g...