Qing, L. (2010), "Cyberbullying in high schools: a study of students' behaviors and beliefs about this new phenomenon", Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma, Vol. 19 No. 4, pp. 372-392.Qing, L. (2010). Cyber bullying in high schools: A study of students' behaviors and ...
This paper explores cyberbullying and cyberstalking victimisation in a Higher Education community and potential strategies for better supporting victims. I
Students feel reluctant to report cyberbullying incidents to adults in schools for various reasons, which are discussed in depth. 展开 关键词: beliefs and behaviors bystanders cyberbullying cyber victim high school students DOI: 10.1080/10926771003788979 ...
Cyberbullying At School Bullying is the act of using superior strength or influence to intimidate someone, usually forcing someone to do something they want against the others will. In the United States, "since 2014, statistics show that 19.6% of high school students are being bullied, only six...
Bullying, a typical occurrence in schools, has gone digital. As a result, cyberbullying has become ever more present among youth. The current study aimed to classify high school students into four groups based on their cyberbullying experiences and to examine the characteristics of these groups ba...
middle and high school years that cyberbullying takes place and when teenagers are the most impulsive. Remember, while your teen may be able to drive a car and make good grades, their brains are still under-developed, making this a prime time for them to become involved in poor decision ...
M. (in press). Prevalence and predictors of cyberbullying perpetration by high school seniors. Communication Quarterly.Roberto, A. J., Eden, J., Savage, M. W., Ramos-Salazar, L. and Deiss, D. M. (2014). Prevalence and Predictors of Cyberbullying Perpetration by High School Seniors. ...
Education and Humanities Research, volume 637 2021 International Conference on Education, Language and Art (ICELA 2021) High School Cyberbullying and Adolescents' Depression in China Yihan Zhang1, *, †, Zixi Zhang2, † 1 McMaster University 2 Shandong Experimental High school *Corresponding auth...
In an effort to raise much-needed awareness of the problem of online bullying, Pixelberry Studios - made up of former EA employees - has added some cyberbullying-themed quests and content to its iOS game High School Story. By doing this, Pixelberry hopes
High School TeachersBullyBullying VictimThe research site was one high school located in southern United States where school stakeholders were concerned about student-to-student cyber bullying. The school district administrators did not examine student-to-student cyber bullying at the research site. The...