M. Marchetti, M. Colajanni, M. Messori, L. Aniello, and Y. Vigfusson, "Cyber attacks on financial critical infrastructures," in Collaborative Financial Infrastructure Protection, R. Baldoni and G. Chockler, Eds. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, pp. 53-82....
posing as other countries to conduct global cyberattacks and espionage operations, while also pouring dirty water on non-US allies like China, according to an investigative report published on Monday.
The incidents were a rude awakening for anyone who thought these kinds of events were science fiction. And yet, none marked the first time that a piece of malware has been used in an attack on critical infrastructure. Back in June 2010, Iran’s nuclear fuel enrichment facility in Natanz wa...
Cyber attacks on critical infrastructure companies are on the rise, with a jump in extortion attempts and malware designed to sabotage systems, like Stuxnet, according to a new report. While attacks are increasing, many companies aren't doing enough to protect their systems and are instead rushing...
Veridify Security stops cyber attacks on OT devices. OT security and endpoint protection at the device-level using a zero trust framework.
Due to numerous cyber-attacks on critical infrastructure, including the power grid, most utilities have started to implement sophisticated security measures against digital threats. However, these measures often focus only on traditional IT and the infrastructure around control centers. Subs...
The original article “Cyber attacks targeting critical infrastructure” by IEC Advocacy Officer Michael Mullane, was published on IEC e-tech, and has been adapted with his approval for publication on the Nozomi Networks blog. Mike is an experienced journalist, technologist and manager. He has work...
Over the past six months, the fragility of critical infrastructure has been given plenty of attention. This has been driven by a string of notable cyberattacks on several critical infrastructure sectors. It was revealed that in late March 2021, CNA Financial Corp., one of the largest insurance...
Read the latest updates about cyber attacks on The Hacker News cybersecurity and information technology publication.
Building cyber resilience that helps combat attacks on critical infrastructure is a key protection requirement for organizations and governments.