Cyber-physical systems(CPS) and Operational Technology (OT) security are closely intertwined. Many CPSs operate within OT environments. OT encompasses the hardware and software systems that monitor and control industrial processes. This makes OT the prime target for cyberattacks.OT Securityis therefore...
信息物理系统(CPS,Cyber-Physical Systems)主要是产生于嵌入式系统在工业领域的深度应用,美国国家科学基金会(NSF)的科学家颇感传统的信息技术(IT,Information Technology)概念无法有效地描述这种更深入的应用,当时NSF的主管科学家Helen Gill就结合到与会专家的讨论结果,提出了CPS这个全新的概念。 图片.png 信息物理系统(C...
In this chapter, we use the term Cyber-physical Product-Service Systems (CPSS) for such an integrated approach. It gives a definition of CPS-based PSS and unveils the state-of-the-art for both concepts with major research issues for their integration. The evolution from products to solutions...
Hardware security in cyber-physical systems (CPSs) refers to all the activities needed to secure the hardware portion of CPSs. It is a fundamental element for the safe and trustworthy operation of CPSs. The hardware used in CPSs is composed of a cyber part and a physical part. To ensure se...
物理网络系统(Cyber Physical Systems,CPSs)是一种计算进程和物理进程紧密结合的智能系统.目前对于CPSs的研究还处于初级阶段,从概念模型到关键技术都没有确切描述,给相关研究者正确理解及研究CPSs造成困难.基于CPSs未来广泛的应用范围和良好的发展前景,本文对CPSs进行了系统的介绍.本文首先给出了CPSs定义,分析了CPSs与物联...
cps-ip cyber physical systems interconnection protocol:cps-ip网络物理系统互连协议 热度: (1) Select a research topic(1)选择一个研究课题 热度: 外文文献: 网络物理系统执行摘要Cyber-Physical Systems Executive Summary 热度: 相关推荐 Preface Cyber-physicalsystems(CPSs)areanemergingresearchtopicborn...
Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) are the next generation of engineered systems in which computing, communication, and control technologies are tightly integrated. Research on CPSs is fundamentally important for engineered systems in many important application domains such as transportation, energy, and medical...
Cyber-Physical Systems Strategic and Technical Security (CPS-STS) Workshop to be held at EAI SecureComm 2021 ==Scope== Internet-of-Things (IoT) is an emerging paradigm that plays an influential role in the development of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs). The CPS concept is currently used by ma...
Mixed-trust Computing: Safe and Secure Real-time Systems de Niz, Dionisio;Andersson, Bjorn;Klein, Mark;Lehoczky, John;Kim, Hyoseung;Moreno, Gabriel 2025ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems doi:10.1145/3635162 Verifying complex Cyber-physical Systems (CPSs) is increasingly important given the pu...
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) represent an emerging research area that has attracted the attention of many researchers. Starting from the definition of CPS, the paper discusses the need for these systems implementation in various application domains and the research challenges for defining an ...