While she is very upset, Rebecca does not want to tell her parents about the bullying as she fears that they will take away her cell phone. Stacy is a thirty year old woman who has recently broken up with her ex-boyfriend due to his abusive tendencies. Since the break-up, her ex-...
This paper explores cyberbullying and cyberstalking victimisation in a Higher Education community and potential strategies for better supporting victims. I
In a nutshell, people who engage in cyberstalking and cyberbullying in Wisconsin can be found guilty of criminal charges, including harassment and stalking
BULLYING, STALKING AND THE WAYS TO DEFINE THEM The first fact that catches the researcher's eye is the terminological unoriginality of notions "cyberbullying" and "cyberstalking". Both these terms were coined by adding "cyber-" to "bullying" and "stalking", so, first, it should be made ...
Course Length Start Date Understanding Violence (Coursera) View more details Cyberbullying-An Overview (edX) Cyberbullying is the use of technology to repeatedly harass, humiliate, or threaten an individual or group. This can include, but is not limited to, actions such as sending threatening mess...
Cyberstalking, another form of harassment, occurs when people use the Internet and mobile devices to send or post messages of a threatening or sexual nature. Taken together, these forms of online abuse and crime comprise extremely challenging problems for society. Cyberstalking and Cyberbullying ...
Some of the antisocial and deviant online behaviors defined in the literature are cyberbullying, cybertrolling, and cyberstalking. Evidence suggests that dark personality traits may be important determinants of these behaviors. Cyberbullying, which refers to repetitive, intentional, and harmful online beh...
The advent of communication technologies has allowed for terrestrial forms of interpersonal victimization to move into cyberspace. One example of this is cyberstalking. The current chapter aims to synthesize the existing cyberstalking research published
bullying childhood cyberstalking See all related content In 1768, whenEncyclopædia Britannicawas first published, there was notelephone, let alone theInternet, to facilitate communication and allow for connections when people were not face-to-face. As we all know today, 250 years later, we can...
Learn the definition of cyberstalking and understand its impact. Explore the various types of internet stalking, and discover the cyberstalking...