Monitoring real-time cyber threats enables security teams to discover the trends and potential threats targeting their country and industry. One way of determining the current and previous threats is to look at the cyber threat maps. These visualize current global attacks in real-time while providing...
For pros, a cyber threat map can provide data that can lead to the discovery of a potential new attack. Even though these maps don’t really show cyber attacks in real-time, they give you information, and a cybersecurity pro can never have too much of that. The Best of the Best in ...
It’s essential to recognize the limitations of these maps and use them alongside other security measures, such as threat intelligence, incident response planning, and ongoing security measures. However, they do play a key role as a tool in providing comprehensive protection against cyber threats. ...
Data visualization is the process of converting elaborate datasets into visual contexts, such as charts, graphs, or maps, to make complex information more accessible and comprehensible for the human brain to interpret. DDoS A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack is a malicious attempt to di...
Beyond immediate remediation, we design roadmaps to enhance your organization’s ability to withstand and bounce back from disruptions. Cybersecurity Advisory for Private Equity Private equity firms face unique challenges, from securing portfolio companies to managing risks across a complex ecosystem. We...
Like the other new Solutions Partner designations, this label maps to an existing partner solution area and will replace the current system of gold and silver competencies. These changes simplify the way partners differentiate themselves, aligning designations to six solution areas focused on the Micr...
Like the other new Solutions Partner designations, this label maps to an existing partner solution area and will replace the current system of gold and silver competencies. These changes simplify the way partners differentiate themselves, aligning designations to six solution areas focused on the Micr...
Like the other new Solutions Partner designations, this label maps to an existing partner solution area and will replace the current system of gold and silver competencies. These changes simplify the way partners differentiate themselves, aligning designations to six solution areas focused on the Micr...
Like the other new Solutions Partner designations, this label maps to an existing partner solution area and will replace the current system of gold and silver competencies. These changes simplify the way partners differentiate themselves, aligning designations to six solution areas focused on the Micr...
Like the other new Solutions Partner designations, this label maps to an existing partner solution area and will replace the current system of gold and silver competencies. These changes simplify the way partners differentiate themselves, aligning designations to six solution areas focu...