Looking for the best PowerPoint templates for cyber security? Discover premium cyber security PPT templates from Envato Elements. Get all the cyber security presentation ideas you need. Here are twenty examples of the best cyber security presentation PPT: 1. Modern Cyber Security PowerPoint Template ...
Resources for eCPPTv2, OSCP and many more OSCE3 (OSWE, OSEP, OSED) Complete Guide - CyberSecurityUP Github OSCP OSCP Useful Links - BackDoorShell.gitbooks OSCP Preperation Guide - Cyber-Junk Github HackerStop OSCP resources Security Prince PWK OSCP Preparation Roadmap Conda OSCP Prep ...
[1080星][1m] guardrailsio/awesome-golang-security Awesome Golang Security resources [1030星][7m] stephenturner/oneliners Useful bash one-liners for bioinformatics. [1026星][7d] sundowndev/hacker-roadmap [1013星][1y] [JS] 0xsobky/hackvault A container repository for my public web hacks!
[1080Star][1m] guardrailsio/awesome-golang-security Awesome Golang Security resources [1030Star][7m] stephenturner/oneliners Useful bash one-liners for bioinformatics. [1026Star][7d] sundowndev/hacker-roadmap [1013Star][1y] [JS] 0xsobky/hackvault A container repository for ...
[236星][1y] [Py] matthewclarkmay/geoip-attack-map Cyber security geoip attack map that follows syslog and parses IPs/port numbers to visualize attackers in real time. [236星][8m] [Py] mazen160/bfac 自动化 web app 备份文件测试工具,可检测备份文件是否会泄露 web app 源代码 [234星][15...
[855星][8d] explife0011/awesome-windows-kernel-security-development windows kernel security development [813星][5m] [Shell] danielmiessler/robotsdisallowed A curated list of the most common and most interesting robots.txt disallowed directories. [811星][2m] feeicn/security-ppt 大安全各领域各公司...
[1080星][1m] guardrailsio/awesome-golang-security Awesome Golang Security resources [1030星][7m] stephenturner/oneliners Useful bash one-liners for bioinformatics. [1026星][7d] sundowndev/hacker-roadmap [1013星][1y] [JS] 0xsobky/hackvault A container repository for my public web hacks!
[Draft]Awesome Cyber Security Resource Collection. Currently contains 8000+ open source repositories, and not very well classified. For each repository, extra info included: star count, commit count, last update time. This is the DRAFT version. - bukaray
[1080星][1m] guardrailsio/awesome-golang-security Awesome Golang Security resources [1030星][7m] stephenturner/oneliners Useful bash one-liners for bioinformatics. [1026星][7d] sundowndev/hacker-roadmap [1013星][1y] [JS] 0xsobky/hackvault A container repository for my public web hacks!
[236星][1y] [Py] matthewclarkmay/geoip-attack-map Cyber security geoip attack map that follows syslog and parses IPs/port numbers to visualize attackers in real time. [236星][8m] [Py] mazen160/bfac 自动化 web app 备份文件测试工具,可检测备份文件是否会泄露 web app 源代码 [234星][15...