In the Military, specialties are often associated with a primary occupation. Therefore, the titles below might not be an exact match. Army Cyberspace Defense Warrant Officer Data Systems Engineering Marine Corps Defensive Cyberspace Weapons Officer Navy ADP Systems Security Officer Coast Guard C...
The Army uses Military Occupational Specialty codes — MOS for short — to identify and classify its military jobs. MOSs in the 17 series cover cybersecurity occupations, and 25 series MOSs reference IT professions. In order to enlist in the Army, you must meet certain qualifications. After com...
Transferring to the US Army While you have access to many different cybersecurity and cyber defense operations jobs in the Air Force, there is no guarantee of getting a job in this field. However, if you enter the Army, the MOS 17C is promised to new recruits as long as they pass the...
Right now there is a growing demand for cybersecurity specialists. According to a U.S. Commerce Department database, there are roughly 500,000 unfilled cybersecurity jobs in the U.S. this year. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that employment of information security analysts is pr...
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[Draft]Awesome Cyber Security Resource Collection. Currently contains 8000+ open source repositories, and not very well classified. For each repository, extra info included: star count, commit count, last update time. This is the DRAFT version. - specter
Cyber Security Specialists IT Managers Military Outlook Service Branches Jobs in this career field may be available in other service branches. Call or email a particular branch for more info. Army(opens in a new window) Marine Corps(opens in a new window) ...
“I have had quite a few careers throughout my life, a Human Intelligence Collector in the Army Reserve, High School Math Teacher, Mainframe programmer, applications developer, and now an IT security professional. The HISP course provided a great foundational overview in the concepts and ideas ...
As digital threats continually emerge, the United States is escalating it’s cyber warfare programs to ensure the security of the nation. If you’re interested in being a part of this, we have a list of 10 great Cyber Warfare jobs for you!