不同组织机构对网络安全(Cybersecurity或Cyber Security)的定义不尽相同。从目标上来说,网络安全主要用于保护网络、计算机、移动设备、应用程序及数据等资产免受网络攻击,避免造成数据泄露、业务中断等安全问题。网络钓鱼、勒索软件、社会工程攻击、中间人攻击等各类攻击手段层出不穷,对企业或组织可能导致数据泄露、业务中断...
doi:10.6084/M9.FIGSHARE.1209107.V1Vohra Pulkit
Unlike external threats, insider threats are one of the most harmful risks to an organization's security and overall integrity. According toCISA, insider threats “present a complex and dynamic risk affecting the public and private domains of all critical infrastructure sectors.” That’s because th...
Insider threats are a major and increasing problem for organizations, as the human factor is often the most difficult to control and predict when it comes to data security and protection. With digitization, the amount of digital data is growing exponentially, and together with this the number of...
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Cybersecurity Attack Vectors Attack vectors(sometimes called threat vectors) are the methodscybercriminalsuse to gain entry to a network. Common attack vectors include social engineering and phishing, credential theft, exploitingsoftwarevulnerabilities, and taking advantage of insider threats. ...
The traditional security model is perimeter-focused, building walls around an organization’s valuable assets like a castle. However, this approach has several issues, such as the potential for insider threats and the rapid dissolution of the network perimeter. ...
Insider Threats As the name suggests,insider threatsare cybersecurity threats that originate from within the organization. An insider is any person who has or had legitimate access or knowledge of an organization’s proprietary resources, facilities, equipment, network, and systems. The person in the...
Insider threat refers to the potential harm that someone with access to an organization's internal network may cause, either intentionally or unintentionally. Insider threats can be disgruntled employees, employees who make mistakes, or external individuals who gain unauthorized access to the internal ne...
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