Internal actors cause the majority of breaches. Employee negligence is the primary cause of 81% of cyber security incidents in healthcare. Healthcare is a sector that faces more internal threats than external attacks. Unfortunately, internal cyber attacks are more difficult than external ones. Ransom...
SecurityVulnerabilities podcast CSO Executive Sessions: Guardians of the Games - How to keep the Olympics and other major events cyber safe 07 Aug 202417 mins CSO and CISO CSO Executive Sessions: How should software solution providers keep themselves and their enterprise clients safe?
Cybersecurity facts and statistics are ever-changing. Stay updated with the latest trends, and ensure your business isn't caught off guard.
In the visual below, we break down common types of cyber incidents and the varying impacts on industries. Cybersecurity industry statistics As you might expect, the recent rise in cyber threats has increased the demand for cybersecurity. So, what is the current state of the cybersecurity indust...
Small firms are too cautious about cyber security. They generally opt for consumer-grade security services. Small firms account for 13 percent of the cyber security market. Cyber security statistics show that small businesses are lucrative targets for cyber criminals....
How does the number of reported cybersecurity incidents compare to industry benchmarks or previous years? 15. Security ratings Often the easiest way to communicate metrics to non-technical colleagues is through an easy-to-understand score. SecurityScorecard’s security ratings give your company an ...
10 types of security incidents and how to prevent them Top incident response tools: How to choose and use them Perhaps no cybersecurity trend has been bigger in the last several years than the scourge of attacks related to the supply chain. Cyberincidents, such as the2023 MoveIt vulnerability...
Our research shows that businesses favorsecurity measuresthat are easy and inexpensive to implement. Limiting Employee Access to Data Reduces Likelihood of Cybersecurity Incidents Nearly half of small businesses (46%) restrict employeeaccess to data. ...
Cybercriminals utilize various tactics to launch attacks, ranging from hacking and social attacks to malware and exploiting misuse by authorized users. Malware continues to be the main culprit behind security incidents and breaches. Ransomware, a type of malware, is among the most significant issues ...
Verizon’s 2021 SMB Data Breach Statisticsreveal that on average, SMBs spend between $826 and $653,587 on cybersecurity incidents. The next 2 years are due to see a 15% increase in cybercrime with costs estimated to reach $10.5 trillion by 2025. ...