China has intensified a crackdown on online scams operated in border areas of Myanmar. The drive has been showcased by confession videos and national TV broadcasts of arrests of high-profile suspects.
the Cyber Security Bill 2022 (“CSB 2022”) was issued by the Ministry of Transport and Communications (“MOTC”). The CSB 2022 restates the repressive provisions of the first draft which was released in February 2021 and inserts more serious provisions threatening the safety and security of ...
Welcome to the first ever English language debate talk show in Myanmar –“This is Business!”, presented by Myanmar Insider. In our inaugural episode, CTO Mr. Htin Hlaing from Wave Money and CCO Mr. Sagar Bhagaddia from Onepay face off in the digital payments and cyber security debate of...
Security Operations Centre Identify & Protect Manage your risk and ensure complete compliance In today's connected world, ensuring robust risk management, regulatory compliance, and vulnerability management is essential. Our service conducts an in-depth review of your organisation's security framework, hi...
Security Operations Centre Identify & Protect Manage your risk and ensure complete compliance In today's connected world, ensuring robust risk management, regulatory compliance, and vulnerability management is essential. Our service conducts an in-depth review of your organisation's security framework, hi...
Myanmar Suggest an edit You're one click awayfrom the most comprehensive, unmatched analyst expertise in tech, in-depth private company data and a platform that brings it all together. Click Now. Join a live demo LatestNational Cyber Security CenterNews ...
China’s cyber security is under threat. A recent investigation’s found that the National Security Agency under the U.S. Defense Department was involved in the hacking of the email system of China’s Northwest Polytechnical University. Why was the university targeted? How vulnerable is China’s...
Building cyber security awareness in a developing country: Lessons from MyanmarLennon Y.C. Chang aNicholas Coppel bComputers & Security
Asian nations have been at the forefront of technological innovation in recent years, but the evolution of digital technology has inevitably increased the need for robust cybersecurity strategies in these countries. This report deals with the state of cybersecurity in Asian countries. We focus in ...
Cyber Security - Myanmar workshops & meetX, find and compare trainings, courses to attend - Reviews, Ratings, Timings, Entry Ticket Fees, Schedule, Calendar, Discussion Topics, Venue, Speakers, Agenda, Visitors Profile, Exhibitor Information etc. List of