Republic of Kenya Peter has 12+ years in the ICT industry with a proven track record in delivering on systems automation, project management, cyber-security, and digital transformation. Peter Hunguru Head of Information Communication and Technology, Zimbabwe National Road Administration (ZINARA) Zimbabw...
@shehacks_ke brings together a community of some of the best ladies in information security in Kenya. @wicca_NL is a circle for women in cybersecurity that aims to bring the ladies of InfoSec and female security enthusiasts together. @WiCSME promotes and increases participation of women in ...
G&A Security - Security Companies Newcastle Wallet Factory Center for Excellence in Education Medilift Air Ambulance University Archives PR Works yourPRstrategist Real Story 09 Neue Auctions Stevens Auction Company Bruneau & Co. Auctioneers Medivic Aviation Air Ambulance Pvt.Ltd G&A Security King Ambulanc...
(89%) of cybersecurity job positions require a bachelor's degree or higher [9]. The report of Intel Security, in partnership with McAfee, indicated that about half of the surveyed companies prefer at least a bachelor's degree in a relevant technical area to enter the cybersecurity field [...
From pandemic layoff in customer service to cybersecurity intern –Agnes Chege, Kenya Agnes Chege Early in the pandemic, when Agnes was laid off from her customer service job at an electronics company in Nairobi, Kenya, she wasn’t sure of her next career move. She had a degree in in...
This chapter investigates Global North paradigms of connectivity contrasted with those of Kenya. It examines the age of the cyber café and the transition into the mobile age that has defined Kenya’s ascent as a technology powerhouse—specifically, the.
Kenya—Safaricom. By availing its customers to use their non-smart phones to pay bills, or transfer funds to both M-PESA users and non-users, M-PESA has attracted over two-thirds of the adult population (12.2 million) in Kenya, 81,000 agent outlets, and processed around 25 % of the ...