Cyber security 与 assurance 的内涵及中译名 中图分类号:N04;TP39 文献标识码:A 文章编码:1673-8578(2014)06-0022-02 科技名词中有具体名词和抽象名词。具体名词的定义,无论是音译也好意译也好,很少产生歧义。但是,抽象名词则不同,因为抽象名词涉及该名词所涵盖的范围,如果定义不准,则产生理解上的偏差。笔者从...
skip to main content CYBER SECURITY & ASSURANCE Experts in cyber security auditing and accreditationCEHLAB IN DEMAND VIDEOS CEHLabs TRAINING PROJECTS TRACKER WEB PENTESTING LAB
常用的两个名词cybersecurity和assurance进行分 析,考察其所涵盖的范围和含义的变化。 20世纪80年代的局域网(localnet):一个终 端向另一个终端开放,组成了局域网。局域网的出 现产生了共享资源,即网络和数据库。不同用户共 享一个资源,便产生了安全策略的概念,规定了共享 ...
Rely on LRQA's cybersecurity assurance and information security solutions to protect your financial and professional services from cyber threats.
Cyber security 与assurance 的内涵及中译名 南湘浩 (东方斯泰克信息技术研究院,北京 101399)中图分类号:N04;TP39 文献标识码:A 文章编码:1673-8578(2014)06-0022-02 收稿日期:2014-09-21 作者简介:南湘浩(1936 ),男,朝鲜族,吉林人,总参第58研究所退休干部,研究员,解放军信息工程大学兼职教授㊁博导,现任...
Cyber Security and Global Information Assurance: Threat Analysis and Response Solution, U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, USA (2009)Mills, R.F., Peterson, G.L., Grimaila, M.R. Insider Threat Prevention, Detection and Mitigation. In: Knapp, K.J. eds. (2009) Cyber Security and Global ...
The Cybersecurity Assurance Program (CAP) aims to minimize risks by creating standardized, testable criteria for assessing software vulnerabilities and weaknesses in embedded products and systems. This helps reduce exploitation, address known malware, enhance security controls, and expand security awareness....
IT Risk and Assurance Risk Performance Improvement 而安永帕特农,作为咨询的主线,业务主要在战略项目。
51.2: What is Information Assurance? What is Cybersecurity? ... 61.3: Security Frameworks and Governance ... 71.4: Paper Structure...
Because of the many ways we use information, and their importance to us, protecting it has become a hot topic. In this lesson, we'll take a look at two areas: cyber security and information assurance. We'll focus on what they are, how they are the same, and how they are different....