In a broader sense, the CRA is a key cog in the wheel of legislation being enacted by the EU institutions covering the cybersecurity domain. The CRA follows quickly in the footsteps of the Cybersecurity Act 2019, the5G Toolbox 2020, andNIS2 (Network and Information Security Directive) 2020...
EU Cybersecurity Act 2019 This law introduced a new EU-wide cybersecurity certification system in Europe for ICT products, systems, and processes. The EU Cybersecurity Act enables companies doing business in the EU to benefit from having their ICT products certified only once, which is then reco...
The principal question addressed by this paper is: how adequate are the minimum security objectives of the European Union Cybersecurity Act (Regulation (EU) 2019/881) in assisting organisations in the European Union internal market with resisting and recovering from cyber threats? The question is ...
内容提示: REGULATION (EU) 2019/881 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 17 April 2019 on ENISA (the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity) and on information and communications technology cybersecurity certification and repealing Regulation (EU) No 526/2013 (Cybersecurity Act) (...
Countercept provides cyber security insights that support continuous security posture improvement. We help you improve your security posture and meet your compliance obligations. True Partnership We act as an extension of your cyber security team, giving you unmetered access to our experts, sharing our...
近些年影响数字产品的网络攻击越来越多,再加上普遍存在的漏洞和不及时的安全更新,给社会带来了沉重的经济负担。为了应对这种现象,欧盟委员会起草了《网络弹性法案》(Cyber Resilience Act,简称CRA),这是一项新的监管要求,旨在确定制造商在将任何带有数字元素的产品投放内部市场时必须满足的基本网络安全要求的立法框架。
欧盟网络弹性法案(EU Cyber Resilience Act) 背景 网络弹性是指网络存在不利条件、压力、攻击或失陷组件时,自身所应具有的预防、承受、恢复和适应的能力,以保持系统功能和结构稳定,实现对重大网络安全事件的有序、有效应对,保证关键业务稳定运行。 近些年影响数字产品的网络攻击越来越多,再加上普遍存在的漏洞和不及时...
What is the Cyber Resilience Act? With cyber security being at the forefront of this rapidly evolving digital landscape, the EU has emphasised the importance of improving overall cyber security to safeguard products with digital elements (both hardware and physical) against cyber threats. As a resul...
(EU GDPR Directive 95/46/E.C.) Effective May 25, 2018, it became law in the E.U. and the U.K. The E.U. Cybersecurity Act Effective June 27 2019, it became law in the European Union and the U.K. The NIS Directive 2 Each E.U. country will have to pass a law in October...
Today marks a new milestone in European cybersecurity: the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) has been published in the EU’sOfficial Journal, bringing significant changes for businesses operating in the EU. But what does this mean for companies and users alike, and how is Red Hat positioned to suppo...