maintenance, control, or operations, directly or indirectly, of any lascivious exhibition of sexual organs or sexual activity, with the aid of a computer system, for favor or consideration” (Cybercrime Prevention Act of2012). The law, placed on an indefinite restraining order due to challenges a...
Etymologically, jurisdiction has Anglo-French and Latin origins, and when interpreted syllabically, it means to speak the law (i.e.iuris—meaning ‘law’;dicare—meaning ‘speak’). See Merriam-Webster Dictionary (an undated website document. Juirsdiction’ available at <http://www.merriam-web...
This course provides a one-semester overview of information security. It is designed to help students with prior computer and programming knowledge — both undergraduate and graduate — understand this important priority in society today. Offered at Georgia Tech as CS 6035
The subject considered in this paper is mandatory, consists of four ECTS credits and is studied in the first semester of the first academic year. The methodology employed is detailed in this section. First, the educational context for this work is presented, by including the competences and ...
The Missing Semester of Your CS Education, MIT. Includes lectures about the shell, editors, data wrangling, git, debugging and profiling, meta programming, security and cryptography. Mathematics for the adventurous self-learner, Neil Sainsbury jwasham/coding-interview-university: a complete computer sc...
Part of the book series: Law, Governance and Technology Series ((LGTS,volume 19)) 1126 Accesses Abstract This chapter investigates the concept of cyberlaundering and attempts to deconstruct the concept legally (See Leslie (2010, Chap. 3)). Bearing in mind that cyberlaundering borders the fiel...
Notes 1. See detailed discussions in Chapter3of this study, dealing with the present national and international legal framework for cyberlaundering. 2. See the AML principles set out in Chapter3, paragraph3.1.2. Recommendation 23 of the Forty Recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force prov...
. What has been understood as money laundering in the past is not necessarily the case anymore. Money laundering now wears the cloak of cyberlaundering, because criminals today are one step ahead of the law. New ways are constantly being devised to evade the prying eyes of law enforcement, ...
The Masters degree is composed of a set of mandatory and optional subjects, some of them having 6 ECTS credits and others 4 ECTS credits. The subject considered in this work is mandatory, consists of 4 ECTS credits and is studied in the first semester of the first academic year. 3.2. ...