discuss the role of digital forensics in an evolving environment of cyber laws giving attention to Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) countries, comprising Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Nepal and Bhutan, in a dynamic global ...
A thorough analysis of various case studies, statistical research, law cases, and news articles was conducted to understand the issue of cyberbullying and to find preventative measures that should be taken. This paper illuminates the background situation, current legal struggles, clinical implications,...
Our talented team of cyber security professionals really knows what they’re doing! We are former law enforcement personnel (Prosecutors, Ministry of Defence personnel etc.). Military veterans, Data protection officers and General data protection regulation specialists. Our expertise is managing complex ...
global energy production would need to rise by 1.3% per year. By the 2030s, demand is estimated to be nearly 50% greater than today. To meet that demand, even assuming more effective conservation measures, the world would need to add roughly the equivalen...
A registration fee of Rs 125 (including GST) per student per Olympiad is paid to SOF by schools in India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Nepal to cover the cost of the examination. Schools may charge an additional Rs 25 per student to cover the honorarium of the in-charge, instructor salary, ...
A registration fee of Rs 125 (including GST) per student per olympiad is paid to SOF by schools in India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Nepal to cover the cost of the examination. Schools may charge an additional Rs 25 per student to cover the honorarium of the in-charge, instructor salary, ...
The surveyed teens expected that the government plays a major role to deal with this issue by increasing cyber security; including cyber security related lessons in curriculum and strengthening law enforcement agencies. Increasing Cyberspace in Nepali Schools Access to cyberspace or the Information, ...
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-cyber-heist-nepal/nepal-bank-latest-victim-in-heists-targeting-swift-system-idUSKBN1D71Y7?il=0 If they’re fully penetrating the endpoint target’s networks no keymatching or fancy binaries will save you, they’re going to get those and use them from ...
In the absence of a clear legal framework and technical knowhow of cyber based crimes, law enforcement authorities have been constantly facing challenges to critically intervene the process and secure safe spaces for women and girls in use of technology. The study concludes that a coherent approach...
Cyber Security For Civil Engineering Lecture 2 Thiago Alves Ph.D. Student at the University of Alabama in Huntsville Confidentiality Integrity Availability C-I-A Triad Confidentiality Integrity Availability attacks on SCADA systems Interruption An asset of the system is destroyed or becomes unavailable At...