The website of Cyber Crime Cell of Tamil Nadu Police Department has been allegedly taken down by a hacktivist group named ‘Anonymous.’ Director General of Police K Ramanujam said in a press release. “NIC is examining how the breach took place. Cyber Crime Cell has been directed to take ...
273Cr PC. KalyanChandra SarkarVsPappuYadav:The ConclusionCourt placing reliance on the Praful Desai judgmentCyber crime is a global problem and India is held that even if the accused is not physically present not an exception to it. Only the Information Technol- in the Court room the trial ...
IDENTITY THEFT IN CYBER SPACE Cyberspace is a giant neighborhood made up of networked computer users around the world, then it seems natural that many elements of traditional society can be found taking
was a grave cyber crime, never the less ! The main aim of cyber terrorists today is to cripple critical infrastructure of a country by cyber attacks to further the causes they espouse for as a terrorist group. In their wish lists
Crime Forensics (IJDCF) 2021, 13, 77–93. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Alzaqebah, A.; Aljarah, I.; Al-Kadi, O.; Damaševičius, R. A Modified Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithm for an Intrusion Detection System. Mathematics 2022, 10, 999. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Zivkovic, M....
[32] studied university students in Tamil Nadu’s key towns to examine their attentiveness to cyber security. They concentrated on particular cyber security risks, such as malware-infected websites, phishing, and the theft of personal information. According to their findings, students’ awareness of...