cyber-terrorism cyber-terrorism cyber-terrorism cyber-terrorist cyber-terrorist Cyber-Tools Online Search for Evidence Cyber-Toothed Tigers Cyber-Transmitted Disease Cyber-warfare Cyber-warfare Cyberactivism cyberaffair cyberage cyberagent cyberagent
Related to Cyber:Cyber Monday,Cyber terrorism vir·tu·al (vûr′cho͞o-əl) adj. 1.Existing or resulting in essence or effect though not in actual fact, form, or name:the virtual extinction of the buffalo. 2.Existing in the mind, especially as a product of the imagination. Used ...
Although companies are loathe to publicize data breaches, millions of records are stolen every year by criminal gangs and government espionage. The stolen data are sold on the Dark Web each year making billions of dollars for the attacker and causing substantial damage to the victims. Seeattacker...
"Cyber-terrorism: A clear and present danger, the sum of all fears, breaking point, or patriot games?" Crime, Law, and Social Change (Vol. 46), 223-238.Stohl M (2006) Cyber terrorism: A clear and present danger, the sum of all fears, breaking point, or patriot games? Crime, Law...
The paper, below will now examine, how the use of cyber-terrorism and social media have converged in this virtual space for groups such as Isis. Fig. 3 The Isis App Full size image Cyber-Terrorism and the Power of Social Media Both the use of cyber-terrorism through the Internet and ...
and *doing* it. Attitude is no substitute for competence. On the other hand, at least cyberpunks are excited about the right things and properly respectful of hacking talent in those who have it. The general consensus is to tolerate them politely in hopes that they'll attract people who ...
Increased risk of organized crime, “hactivism”, and cyber-terrorism Increased media attention, and therefore brand risk, related to cyber attacks Increased attention for security and privacy at Board and Audit Committee levels Growing concern by consumers and regulators related to privacy Adoption ...
Sofaer AD and Goodman SE (2000) A Proposal for an International Convention on Cyber Crime and Terrorism. Working paper. Stanford University: Stanford, CA. Stevens T (2016a) Cyber Security and the Politics of Time. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK. Stevens T (2016b) Cyberweapons: ...
Good article. I just wanted to make a small comment on the Estonian case. I agree that it should not be called a cyber war – politically motivated hactivism is probably a better description for most of the attacks in that case. However, the reason why only one person has been found gu...
Cybercrime is by far the largest: fraud, through identity theft and other means, extortion, and so on. Cyber-espionage is another, both government- and corporate-sponsored. Traditional hacking, without a profit motive, is still a threat. So is cyber-activism: people, most often kids, playing...