(2014). Cyberbullying among university students: Gendered experiences, impacts, and perspectives. Educational Research International. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/698545Faucher, C., Jackson, M., & Cassidy, W. (2014). Cyberbullying among university students: Gendered e...
Cyberbullying involvement among students with ADHD: Relation to loneliness, self-efficacy and social support. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 30 (1), 15-29.Heiman, T., Olenik-Shemesh, D., & Eden, S. (2015). Cyberbullying involvement among students with ADHD: Relation to ...
cyber-bullying perpetration. Additionally, students’ personal BJW and academic justice experiences but not general BJW or empathy were associated with cyber-bullying victimization. Male students and those with a low social desirability were more likely to report cyber-bullying perpetration and victimization...
Bullying has become a larger issue in schools across the nation. Schools have noticed the pattern that bulling takes place on their campus. School districts are trying to decrease the amount of bulling by creating anti-bulling programs, teaching students respectful manners, and create fun methods ...
Check this out.Over the past five years the technology of bullying has advanced much faster than efforts could be developed to stop it. With the rise of social networking sites like Facebook and the increasing popularity of cell phones held by students, in an instant a student could post to...
We also examine the continuities between these findings and those of earlier studies on cyberbullying among younger students. Our findings also suggest that gender differences, which do emerge, provide some support for each of the three theoretical frameworks considered for understanding this issue, ...
Some argue that cyberbullying is just an extension of traditional bullying and should be addressed using the same strategies and interventions. They believe that schools have a responsibility to create a safe and supportive environment for all students, both online and offline. On the other hand, ...
This study aimed to examine the construct validity and reliability of the adapted version of the Cyberbullying Inventory for College Students for use in th
Cybervictimization and cyberbullying among college students: The chain mediating effects of stress and rumination The popularity of the Internet has led to an increase in cybervictimization and cyberbullying. Many studies have focused on the factors influencing cybervi... Q Luo,N Wu,L Huang - 《...