Pneumonia typicallyappears as consolidation(increased pulmonary opacity) on a CXR, and typical features are: Airspace opacification(consolidation): this may be lobar or segmental Air bronchograms: air-filled bronchi surrounded by airless lung Figure 1. Chest X-ray showing a right upper zone area of...
Right heart border – RML Left heart border – Lingula Left diaphragm – Heart (on lateral view) Air Bronchogram Sign Visualization of air in the intrapulmonary bronchi Abnormal Denotes a pulmonary lesion/consolidation (excludes a pleural or mediastinal lesion) Seen in pneumonia, pulmonary edema or ...
Consolidation infiltrate nodular diffuse streaky opacificationLookforSilhouettesignandairbronchogramsIsitaninterstitialoralveolarpattern Otherfindings Givedifferentialordiagnosis 75yoFwithhxofMInowpresentingwithSOB hypoxia Pulmonaryedema Opacificationofrighthemithorax obscuredlefthemidiaphramDDx Massivepleuraleffusion right...
Rightatrium Anatomy a7 Lefthemidiaphragm Rightcostophrenic angle Stomach Upperlobes Middlelobe Lingula LowerLobes Anatomy a8 Lowerlobes Upperlobes Right middlelobe Lingula a9 CommonViewsCommonViews PA AP LeftLateral Rightanterioroblique APsupine Rightlateraldecubitus PortableCXR PA/LateralCXR a10 Thesearefrom...