and MINOR is small API changes fixes improvements Thus, DB files are not compatible between different major versions. Nodes with different major versions can't communicate. Saved data may have another representation. 1.0 not defined 2.1 git tag:v2.1 ...
If you are not familiar with complex numbers, those results may look a bit odd. While complex addition just requires adding the real and the imaginary parts independently, the result ofmultiplication of two complex numbers(a + bi) and (c + di) is defined as (ac-db) + (bc+ad)i. Geom...
This Event is triggered when the remorse period has been started Request Supported Media Types application/json Body () Root Schema : remorse_requestPCI Type: object Show Source discountInfo(optional): object discountInfo The discount information. order(optional): object order site...
REST API for Oracle Commerce Cloud 22B Tasks Webhook Cancel Jump to Request Response cancel post /ccadmin/v1/webhook/cancel This webhook is triggered by a cancel order event. Request Supported Media Types application/json Body () Root Schema : cancel_request Type: object Show Source ...
gwp(optional): boolean Whether gift with purchase is enabled or not. id(optional): string The ID lastModifiedTime(optional): integer The last modified time. locale(optional): string Locale orderAction(optional): string The action performed on the order. organizationId(optional): string The...
Following model is returned when operation succeeds. Body ( listFilters_response ) Type:object Show Source items: arrayitems Example Response (application/json) { "items":[ { "include":"id,active,saleVolumePrices,listVolumePrices,route,configurable,productVariantOptions,primaryThumbImageURL,notForIndiv...
Jump to Get a household get /crmRestApi/resources/{PartyNumber}Request Path Parameters PartyNumber(required): string Query Parameters dependency: string expand: string fields: string links: string onlyData: boolean Header Parameters Metadata-Context: REST-Framework-...
This web hook is triggered when a request is made to place the order and it performs a validation of the external price details in the cart. If the external prices sent by the external system is different to that in the request , a price change message will be displayed on the store...
Root Schema : calculateShipping_request Type: object The external service is called whenever CC needs to determine available shipping methods and costs, such as during pricing operations or calls to the listShippingMethods endpoint. The request contains information about the shopper, items to be s...
This Event is triggered when the remorse period has been started Request Supported Media Types application/json Body () Root Schema : remorse_requestPCI Type: object Show Source discountInfo(optional): object discountInfo The discount information. order(optional): object order site...