2014 Corporate Social Responsibility Report Compilation Explanation The 2014 Social Responsibility Report of China CITIC Bank Corporation Limited is hereinafter referred to as "the Report". China CITIC Bank Corporation Limited is hereinafter referred to as "the Bank". China CITIC Bank Corporation Limited...
CHINA CITIC BANK 「Preparation Explanation」 Reporting Scope The 2021 Sustainability Report of China CITIC Bank Corporation Limited is hereinafter referred to as "the Report". Unless otherwise specified, for the purpose of the Report, "the Bank" refers to China CITIC Bank Corporation Limited, "the...
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Current Location: Home Page > ESG Section > Information Disclosure > Sustainability Report Sustainability Report 2015 Social Responsibility Report 2014 Social Responsibility Report 2013 Social Responsibility Report 2012 Social Responsibility Report 2011 Social Responsibility Report 2010 Social Responsibility Report...
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