Cx3cr1-Cre 品系名:C57BL/6Smoc-Cx3cr1em1(iCre)Smoc 品系状态:精子冻存 | 目录号:NM-KI-200079 hCX3CR1 品系名:C57BL/6Smoc-Cx3cr1em1(hCX3CR1)Smoc 品系状态:在研 | 目录号:NM-HU-241954 Cx3cr1-2A-tdTomato-IRES-CreERT2 品系名:C57BL/6Smoc-Cx3cr1em1(2A-tdTomato-IRES-CreERT2-...
Temporal genetic labeling (Cx3cr1-CreERT2;R26-tdTomato) showed that CX3CR1+ cells at E6.5 can contribute to cardiomyocytes (CMs) and endothelial cells (ECs) during prenatal development via both de novo differentiation and fusion with pre-existing CMs or ECs, respectively. In the adult heart...
Gpr35-tdTomato mice were crossed with Cx3cr1-GFP mice to generate double reporter mice, and Gpr35flox/flox were crossed with Cx3cr1CreER to obtain Gpr35ΔCX3CR1 mice, in which the tamoxifen-inducible, Cre-mediated recombination will lead to the excision of GPR35 in CX3CR1+ cells. ...
Cx3cr1-2A-tdTomato-IRES-CreERT2 品系全名 C57BL/6Smoc-Cx3cr1em1(2A-tdTomato-IRES-CreERT2-WPRE-pA)Smoc 目录号 NM-KI-242749 品系状态 活体 导出PDF 基因信息 基因名 Cx3cr1 基因曾用名 - NCBI ID 13051 MGI ID 1333815 Ensembl ID
Cx3cr1-2A-tdTomato-IRES-CreERT2 品系全名 C57BL/6Smoc-Cx3cr1em1(2A-tdTomato-IRES-CreERT2-WPRE-pA)Smoc 目录号 NM-KI-242749 品系状态 活体 导出PDF 基因信息 基因名 Cx3cr1 基因曾用名 - NCBI ID 13051 MGI ID 1333815 Ensembl ID
品系名:C57BL/6Smoc-Cx3cr1em1(iCre)Smoc 品系状态:精子冻存 | 目录号:NM-KI-200079 hCX3CR1 品系名:C57BL/6Smoc-Cx3cr1em1(hCX3CR1)Smoc 品系状态:在研 | 目录号:NM-HU-241954 你也可能感兴趣 Tamoxifen诱导Cre-ERT2小鼠 使用指南
Cx3cr1-Cre 品系名:C57BL/6Smoc-Cx3cr1em1(iCre)Smoc 品系状态:精子冻存 | 目录号:NM-KI-200079 hCX3CR1 品系名:C57BL/6Smoc-Cx3cr1em1(hCX3CR1)Smoc 品系状态:在研 | 目录号:NM-HU-241954 Cx3cr1-2A-tdTomato-IRES-CreERT2 品系名:C57BL/6Smoc-Cx3cr1em1(2A-tdTomato-IRES-CreERT2-...