loads two CSV files(two info packages) into the same DSO. Data is getting loaded for one info package while the other one is failing and i get this error message "An exception with the type CX_SY_FILE_OPEN_MODE occurred, but was neither handled locally, nor declared in a RAISING ...
| |--CX_SY_EXPORT_NO_SHARED_MEMORY | | | |--CX_SY_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR | | | | | |--CX_SY_FILE_AUTHORITY | | | | | |--CX_SY_FILE_CLOSE | | | | | |--CX_SY_FILE_IO | | | | | |--CX_SY_FILE_OPEN | | | | | |--CX_SY_FILE_OPEN_MODE | | | | | |--CX_...
Automate printing of PDF documents received as email attachments in SAP in Technology Blogs by Members 2022 Dec 29 Infopackage failing with an exception with the type CX_SY_FILE_OPEN_MODE in Technology Q&A 2015 Sep 24 CX_SY_FILE_OPEN_MODE Error while loading from AL11 in Technology Q&A 2...
Hi, I am working on a unicode upgrade assignment. On executing a program, i encountered the abocve mentioned error at : "OPEN DATASET w_file FOR OUTPUT IN TEXT MODE
SAP CV01N CV02N 创建新版本CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB错误 ◆◆项⽬场景:在PLM WebDynpro 界⾯升级⽂档版本失败,SAP GUI上使⽤CV02N创建⽂档新版本时得到DBSQL_DUPLICATE_KEY_ERRO ◆◆原因分析:Dump位置如下,DBSQL_DUPLICATE_KEY_ERROR属于转储问题 ,数据库主键有重复项导致Insert失败 ◆◆解决流程:先...
通过名称找到所需的端口后,应用程序使用 (1) 中返回的符号链接字符串,以便通过CreateFile()打开端口句柄 此流的代码示例: C++复制 #include<windows.h>#include<cfgmgr32.h>#include<initguid.h>#include<devpropdef.h>#include<devpkey.h>#include<ntddser.h>... DWORD ret; ULONG deviceInterfaceListBuffer...
Oracle Siebel CRM Korzystaj z kompletnegorozwiązania CRMklasy korporacyjnej, które zapewnia niezwykłą skalowalność i wydajność nawet najbardziej złożonym organizacjom. System Oracle Siebel CRM oferuje niezrównane możliwości w zakresie dostosowywania i integracji, ...
DUMP-CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB-DBSQL_DUPLICATE_KEY_ERROR 背景:该dump比较常见的是由号码段问题导致的,常发生在系统拷贝后。 如下为大概的解决步骤 1. 进入事务代码SM13查看数据更新记录,找到dump对应的更新失败记录 2. 双击对应的报错更新记录进入如下更新模块页面 3. 双击行项目查看更新函数的参数,如下,可以查看更新...
CX_SY_OPEN_SQL_DB Open SQL array insert produces duplicate records in the database. Error in the ABAP application program. The current ABAP program "SAPLCKMS" had to be terminated because it found a statement that could not be executed. ...
@sy-langu LEFT OUTER JOIN t023t AS t23 ON t23~matkl = m~matkl AND t23~spras = @sy-langu WHERE ml~jahrper = @p_jahpr AND ml~curtp = @p_curtp AND ml~categ = `ZU` AND ml~ptyp = `BF` AND m~mtart IN ( `U100`, `U200` ) AND ml~aufnr IS NOT INITIAL...