If the domain responds with "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *", and with credentials permitted, it is important to note that the web browser implements a security mechanism that checks the combination of these two and will prevent credentials from being transmitted. However, later in the article w...
CWE 942 不安全的跨域策略 A6:自带缺陷和过时组件 CWE 1104 使用未维护第三方组件 A7:身份识别和身份验证错误 CWE 259 密码硬编码CWE 287 不适当的认证CWE 297 不匹配的服务端进行不适当的凭证确认CWE 384 会话固定 A8:软件和数据完整性故障 CWE 494 不进行完整性检查的代码下载CWE 502 不可信数据的反序列化...
Raw CWE-5: J2EE Misconfiguration: Data Transmission Without Encryption CWE-6: J2EE Misconfiguration: Insufficient Session-ID Length CWE-7: J2EE Misconfiguration: Missing Custom Error Page CWE-8: J2EE Misconfiguration: Entity Bean Declared Remote CWE-9: J2EE Misconfiguration: Weak Access Permissions for ...
1. CWE 4.7的变化 变化类型 Version 4.6 Version 4.7 弱点 924 926 分类 326 351 视图 46 47 废弃 61 62 汇总 1357 1386 CWE今年的第一个版本在5/1前发布了,做为软件安全的重要分类标准,我们来看下这个版本有那些变化。从汇总图可以看出,新增了3个弱点,废弃了一个弱点;新增1个视图,25分类。 从...
Get the full list of over 6K CWE security standards supported by Black Duck Static Analysis. Find information on CWE 200, CWE 79, CWE 20 and more.
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