Raw CWE-5: J2EE Misconfiguration: Data Transmission Without Encryption CWE-6: J2EE Misconfiguration: Insufficient Session-ID Length CWE-7: J2EE Misconfiguration: Missing Custom Error Page CWE-8: J2EE Misconfiguration: Entity Bean Declared Remote CWE-9: J2EE Misconfiguration: Weak Access Permissions for ...
However, this method only verifies that the given array index is less than the maximum length of the array but does not check for the minimum value (CWE-839). This will allow a negative value to be accepted as the input array index, which will result in a out of bounds read (CWE-125...
Deprecated Python bindings for the ethtool kernel interface - Remove unreachable code (CWE-561) and unnecessary labels · fedora-python/python-ethtool@7caa51d
968d839c93122ea742f5aa00fe1d23210315e1839342e10a5e7917bef49e61e8 回收资源 66715044 2024/11/05 16:15:30 TXPLNP...bvFXkU TSXcWe...z9fDWC TRX 0 ef46f34c869983633ecc2d7ae922168d51172ea739bf36a4234be2b1882e0178 触发智能合约 66715040 2024/11/05 16:15:18 TSXcWe...z9fDWC Token...
从上表可看出,CWE List 4.0版本包含839个缺陷,共计1251个条目。新版本的变化如表2。 新增视图 2 新增条目 63 过时的条目 13 有大修改的条目 883 未修改的条目 293 表2 CWE List 4.0版本变化 如“CWE List升级至4.0版本”一节末尾所述,CWE List 4.0版本最重大的变化在于整合架构和开发视图,将这两...
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