No matter how we choose to address this issue, there is no ideal fix within client-side code. It is trivial for users to circumvent client-side validation, and for this reason, it is never guaranteed that what the server receives is trustworthy. Therefore, you must address the issue within...
什么是CWE:Common Weakness Enumeration 中文翻译就是通用缺陷枚举 另外一个是CV...
Defensics Protocol Fuzzing | Protocol fuzzing tool to identify and fix security flaws. Code Sight IDE Plug-in | Integrated development environment plug-in for real-time security feedback. SCM Integrations | Source code management integrations for seamless security checks. Build & CI Tool Integrations...
Fix Because theurlparameter is controlled by the client, it can be controlled by attackers. Therefore, the code must ensure that any URL it receives is safe. One of the most-reliable ways to do this is to create a table of allowed URLs, and have theurlparameter only contain an integer ...