Great Britain’s Special Boat Service, a shadowy (and I’d like to think mustachioed) force of tea-drinking aquatic operators, has their own subdued version of the CWC Royal Navy diver, designed with direct input from the unit itself. Here, in a Wrist Time Review, we’ll dive deep with...
CWC RN81 Clearance Diver & CWC RN 1983. The RN81 is particularly special as the original watches were issued to Royal Navy divers that cleared ordinance from harbors to make it safe for shipping. These divers were the most highly decorated servicemen during hostilities. 1 Reactions: Winky...
I do like the diver and one can buy these nifty black plastic g10 covers on eBay which actually look fairly cool. 1 Like jp371·5 years ago·edited 5 years ago I was once told by a Persian bus mechanic... has to be the finest start to a HODINKEE article yet. Great piece Mr Heat...