A federal judge appeared sympathetic to environmentalists’ claim that the Trump administration’s approval of Clean Water Act (CWA) dredge-and-fill permitting powers for Florida was procedurally flawed, but during a March 15 hearing struggled with whether they were directly harmed by those ...
Court upholds constitutionality of CWA section 404 regulations.(United States v. Gerke Excavating, Inc)Lawlor, James DWetlands Law & Regulation Report
The article focuses on the incorporation of wetland protection regulation in both state and federal jurisdiction and regulatory concerns under the Section 404 of the Clean Water Act in the U.S. It notes that regulation at a national leve... P Bostwick - 《National Wetlands Newsletter》 被引量...
EPA is urging the Supreme Court to deny a Michigan road commission's petition seeking judicial review of federal \"objections\" to state-crafted Clean Water Act (CWA) section 404 permit proposals, arguing even when the agency uses its power to move authority over a permit away from state ...
Application of Clean Water (CWA) Section 404 compensatory wetland mitigation under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)D.J. AbbottC.A. StraubFernald Environmental Restoration Management Corp., Cincinnati, OH (United States)...