Water resources management An assessment of CWA section 303(D) prioritization of impaired water bodies in Illinois SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY AT CARBONDALE Ben Dziegielewski JablonskiDaniel JWater quality has been an issue of concern since the settlement of man and continues to be of great concern...
In the United States, to address the issues of water pollution, the U.S. Congress passed the Clean Water Act (CWA) in 1972. This study examines the implementation and prioritization of impaired water bodies listed on the Illinois CWA section 303(d) list between 1992 and 2004.;This study ...
Water resources management Watershed characteristics that are related to the occurrence of impaired (CWA 303(d)) waters for park units within the Pacific West Region of the National Park Service COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY Melinda J. Laituri Ling...
Therefore, the goal of this study is to identify watershed characteristics that are relevant to the occurrence of impaired waters within watersheds that intersect park units. This will assist NPS managers in evaluating waterbodies at risk and restoration potential.;An initial list of 25 watershed ...
2008-2010 CWA 303(d)-305(b) Integrated List of Assessed Surface Waters in New Mexico USAWater, SurfaceBureau, Quality