Grating Polarizers in CW ECRH Systems: Groove Design, Ohmic Loss, and Cooling in Numerical AnalysesGrating polarizerGroove designHigh-power ECRH systemOhmic lossWater coolingPolarizer miter bends are important components in the transmission lines of electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH)systems as ...
Design and results of a 77 GHz FM/CW radar sensor based on a simple waveguide circuitry and a novel type of printed, low-profile, and low-loss antenna are presented. A Gunn VCO and a finline mixer act as transmitter and receiver, connected by two E-plane couplers. The folded reflector...
Effect of microwave irradiation (2.45 GHz, CW) on egg weight loss, egg hatchability, and hatchling growth of the Coturnix quail 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 34 作者:D Byman,SP Battista,FE Wasserman,TH Kunz 摘要: Fertile eggs of the Coturnix quail were exposed twice a day for 30...
LACP/2/hwLacpPartialLinkLoss_clear: Link bandwidth lost partly is resumed. (TrunkIndex=[TrunkIndex], TrunkIfIndex=[TrunkIfIndex], TrunkId=[TrunkId], TrunkName=[TrunkName], Reason=[ReasonCode]) Parameters Parameter NameParameter Meaning TrunkIndex Index of a trunk TrunkIfIndex Index of a ...
I was able to lose 59 pounds in the six months prior to my sleeve gastrectomy surgery. I started my journey to great health with the Center for Weight Loss Surgery at 254 pounds and today I’m 167 pounds. Once I decided to take control of my health, I stuck to the plan with confide...
CWNC Girls Avenge Loss to Vincentian; Sam Breen's 33 Points and 20 Rebounds Helped Class A No. 2 Cardinal Wuerl North Catholic Avenge an Earlier-Season Loss with a 60-51 Win over No. 1 Vincentian Academy in a Section 2 Girls Basketball Game Wednesday. [Derived Headline]...
Experimental/ liquid lasers/ CW dye laser parametersloss variationlaser thresholdoutput powerslope efficiencydegree outcouplinginternal cavity lossesmode matching conditions/ A4255M Lasing action in liquids and organic dyes A4260 Laser optical systems: design and operation B4320E Liquid lasers and organic...
tversky_loss=binary_tversky_loss( pred[:,i], target[...,i], valid_mask=valid_mask, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, smooth=smooth) ifclass_weightisnotNone: tversky_loss*=class_weight[i] total_loss+=tversky_loss returntotal_loss/num_classes ...
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