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摘要: cw single‐line laser oscillation has been achieved on the P (9), P (10), and P (11) transitions in the v = 1 → v = 0 band of CO. The observations were made on a conventional electrical discharge slow‐flow device filled with a mixture of He, N 2 , Xe, and CO.年份...
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目的 观察美施康定对重度癌痛的治疗效果及其副作用。方法 对310例重度癌痛患者美施康定初始剂量为:30mg,q12h。若口服2d镇痛效果不满意,美施康定改为:60mg,q12h。剂量每次递增60mg。结果 310例患者中240例得到明显或完全缓解,65例需同时加用非吗啡类镇痛药物才达到明显缓解,3例拒绝继续增加美施康定剂量,未取得明显...