det_root2n the \(2n\)-th root of the determinant of a semidefinite matrix; i.e., det_root2n(X)=sqrt(det_rootn(X)). Concave. Maintained solely for back-compatibility purposes. † entr the elementwise entropy function: entr(x)=-x.*log(x). Concave. Returns -Inf when called with ...
CVXQUAD: How to use CVXQUAD's Pade Approximant instead of CVX's unreliable Successive Approximation for GP mode, log, exp, entr, rel_entr, kl_div, log_det, det_rootn, exponential cone. CVXQUAD's Quantum (Matrix) Entropy & Matrix Log related functions ...
Prior to version 1.2, the functionsexp,log,log_det, and other functions from the exponential family could not be used within CVX. Until recently, CVX utilized so-called symmetric primal/dual solvers that simply cannot support those functions natively[4]. More recently, solvers such as Mosek hav...
Log-Sum-Exp: $log\sum{e^{x_i}}$ 他是max函数的一个解析近似; 几何平均数: $f(x) = (\prod_{i=1}^N\ x_i)^{1/N}$, 是凹函数, $domf = \mathbb{R_{++}^n}$ 对数绝对值函数: $f(x) = log\ det(X)$, $domf = \mathbb{S_{++}^n} $ (可以用第二个等价条件切换到一维证...
If you do so, I suggest removinggeomean.mandlogdet.mfrom the CVX installation; Because if you do not, those CVX files redirect togeo_meanandlog_det. Which means that if YALMIP callsgeomeanandlogdet, that would be converted into call to CVX’sgeo_meanandlog_det, and that would not end...
a=b=1/2: Very classic:geometric mean is concave. a=b=1: neither convex nor concave! 2.Log-sum is convex 3.Log-det is concave on PSD cone 4.General geometric mean(∏xi)1nis concave 5.Negative entropyxlog(x)is convex
the2n-th root of the determinant of a semidefinite matrix;i.e.,det_root2n(X)=sqrt(det_rootn(X)). Concave. Maintained solely for back-compatibility purposes. †entr the elementwise entropy function:entr(x)=-x.*log(x). Concave. Returns-Infwhen called with a constant argument that has...
(d); Tmp=log_det(0.5*((alf*sum(p)*trace(Hj'*W1*Hj)+sigma2)+(alf*sum(p)*trace(Hj'*W1*Hj)+sigma2)'))-t_j(d)*alf*sum(p(pi_numel))*real(trace(Hj'*W1*Hj))+log_det(0.5*(t_j(d)+t_j(d)'))+1; cost=cost+Tmp; numel_SINR(1,d)=p(d)*alf*trace(Hj'*W1*Hj); ...
Models involving “log” or other functions in the log, exp, and entropy family are solved using an experimental successive approximation method. This method is slower and less reliable than the method CVX employs for other models. Please see the section of the user’s guide entitled ...
as -log_det (A)<t, (t is a constant). Matlab always shows the same error as follows. I don’t understand the reason, because I have checked that there is not problem with matrix dimension. And for example, as a test, when I change log_det (A) to trace (A), there is not an...