If you have a complex or chronic condition (such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis or psoriasis) then you need a specialty pharmacy, one that offers more than just medication. That's CVS Specialty. We're specialists in medications that treat your condition. Our expertise allows us to...
CVS Health的业务板块主要分为三个部分:Health Services(健康服务)、Pharmacy & Consumer Wellness(药房与消费者福祉)和Health Care Benefits(医疗保健福利): 1. Health Services:(1)提供广泛的健康服务,包括初级护理、专业护理、家庭护理和远程医疗服务。(2)管理医疗保健福利计划,如Medicare Advantage、Medicaid和商业健...
Clinical Services.There are three CVS healthcare facilities. One is Minute Clinic for patients with both mild and chronic health issues. Secondly, there is Omnicare, which encapsulates long-term care. Then, there is Coram offering infusion. Service Specialty Pharmacyis for those with complex health...
CVS/Pharmacy:遍布全美42个州以及巴西的7800多家连锁零售药店; CVS/Minuteclinic:快捷地一分钟诊所,也称步入式诊所,这里医生不需要病人提前注册和预约,病人可以直接走进诊所,告诉护士病情,就能得到医生的帮助和治疗,所以形象地描述为步入式。而CVS拥有美国数目最多、规模最大的快捷诊所。
CVS健康开发的系列数字工具及服务,有助于人们在线或在任何地点都更容易保持健康:CVS Pharmacy app可以帮助消费者通过移动支付、额外服务与补充药物及订购处方信息的方式节省时间与金钱;CVS Specialty app可以帮助复杂慢病患者更容易地进行疾病及处方管理;而药房福利管理会员可以通过CVS Caremark app管理药房福利,通过手机以邮...
CVS药店和CVS Caremark在上文中已经提过。接下来我们来认识一下CVS专科药房和分钟诊所。专科药房(specialty pharmacy)为需求复杂、药品昂贵的慢性疾病或者遗传性疾病患者提供专科药服务(有点类似于国内现在比较关注的DTP药房)。 截至目前,C...
Since joiningCVS Healthin 2017, Accetta has held roles with increasing responsibility within theSpecialty Pharmacybusiness. Prior to joining the company, she held leadership roles atTeva Pharmaceuticals, Rx Ally, Express Scripts and Medco, building her skills in patient services management, pharmac...
The article reports on the launch of a specialty pharmacy program by CVS Caremark Corp. in Florida. CVS Caremark stresses that the program provides an opportunity for its customers to purchase specialty prescriptions in all of its stores across the state. It is believed that the move is brought...
CVS,中文叫“西维斯”,是美国一家知名的药店连锁企业,全称是"CVS Pharmacy",也被称为"CVS Health"。CVS提供药店服务、处方药和非处方药等医疗保健产品。除此之外,CVS也在医疗领域拥有一些其他业务,如医疗保险、诊所和健康管理服务等。 1、历史与规模。