The Division is now planning to produce large castings and enhance its capacity with the addition of material handling equipments, like 15 / 05 MT EOT Cranes. The Division is continuously winning The Best Housekeeping award for its successful implementation and maintenance of 5S. This Division has...
1 山东高青农村商业银行股份有限公司 - 崔现学 30,251.91万(元) 2013-05-21 山东省淄博市高青县 开业 2 淄博龙和置业有限公司 66.67% 刘启仁 1,800万(元) 2010-08-24 山东省淄博市张店区 开业 3 永兴装饰 高青县永兴装饰有限责任公司 60% 刘启仁 100万(元) 1997-07-18 山东省淄博市高青县 开业 ...