This year’sCVPR(the IEEE / CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference) was the largest ever, with an attendance of over 12,000 people in person from more than 75 countries, and a record-breaking number of paper submissions. It was an extraordinarily exciting time for the community...
SPECIFIC AREAS OF INTEREST:2024 IJCAI的CFPSubmissions are invited for the 33rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, which is planned to be held in Jeju Island, South Korea, from August 3rd to August 9th, 2024. Since 1969, IJCAI has remained the premier conference bringing to...
This year, wereceived a record number of 9155 submissions (a 12% increase over CVPR 2022), and accepted 2360 papers, for a 25.78% acceptance rate. 注1:欢迎各位大佬提交issue,分享CVPR 2023论文和开源项目! 注2:关于往年CV顶会论文以及其他优质CV论文和大盘点,详见:
[2024/04/05] Chat-UniVi has been selected as a Highlight paper at CVPR 2024! (Top 3% of 11532 submissions). [2024/02/27] Our Chat-UniVi has been accepted by CVPR 2024! [2024/01/05] We enhance the video loading code by introducing support for variable-length videos. This improvement...
IMPORTANT DATES:First Review CyclePaper submission deadline: January 28th, 2024Second Review CyclePaper submission deadline: April 14th, 2024 (tentative) SPECIFIC AREAS OF INTEREST:The 31th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) seeks submissions presenting novel contributions related...
May, 2024: In v1.5.2, we redesigned the default structure for each dataset for better performance. Pleasere-preprocessdatasets ordownloadour preprocessed datasets fromhere. Apr, 2024:PTv3is selected as one of the 90Oralpapers (3.3% accepted papers, 0.78% submissions) by CVPR'24!
All code submissions must follow the below criteria: The issue/PR title should follow the semantic as described here All the tests are updated and are passed successfully Python syntax is validPull Request SemanticsThe Pull Request title should start with one of the below to easily segregate if ...
Intro 任务:真实场景玻璃检测 问题:任意对象/场景可能出现在玻璃后面:玻璃区域可能包含任意对象/场景,...
[2024-03] The challenge test server is also onlinehere. Looking forward to your strong submissions! [2024-03] We first release the data and baselines for the challenge. Please fill in theformto apply for downloading the data and try our baselines. Welcome any feedback!