READ ON PG 5-6A weekly publication of Newport News Shipbuilding8 | 24 | 2015CONTINUED ON PG 2More than 1,500 guests were present as Newport News Shipbuilding laid the keel for aircraft carrier (CVN 79), the second ship of the class on Saturday, Aug. 22. Caroline Kennedy, the daughter ...
美国《防务新闻》网2006年11月17日报道 11月15日,诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司的纽波特纽斯船厂获得来自美国海军的合同,合同的主要内容是开始建造新型航母,并实施在役航母的大修。 该合同价值2460万美元,主要是进行CVN 79航母的计划、研究和开发。CVN 79是美国海军CVN 21项目的第二艘舰。诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司计划将于2012年...
Huntington Ingalls Industries' Newport News Shipbuilding division lifted the upper bow section onto one of the new aircraft carrier being built for the U.S. Navy, signalling the completion of the ship's flight deck. The addition of the upper bow section is one of the last steel structural ...
Former U.S. ambassador Caroline Kennedy, the ship’s sponsor and daughter of President Kennedy, smashed a bottle of American sparkling wine across the bow to christen the ship.
Time lapse of the aircraft carrier John F. Kennedy (CVN 79) moving from Dry Dock 12 to Pier 3. Credit: Huntington Ingalls Industries
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新华社联合国6月6日电(记者王建刚)联合国大会6日选举喀麦隆前总理菲勒蒙·扬为第79届联大主席。 6月6日,在位于纽约的联合国总部,喀麦隆前总理菲勒蒙·扬发表讲话。新华社记者 谢锷 摄 菲勒蒙在当选后发表讲话,呼吁国际社会维护和捍卫多边主义,并承诺在任期内严格遵循多边主义原则和精神,全心全意为会员国和其...
One more building at a residential quarter on Wuyi Road will have an elevator in operation. The installation has been completed and residents who raised money to do so are waiting for validation. 727 Wuyi Road Each family in the building No.1 at 709 Wuyi Road has at least one elderly pers...
Newport News Shipbuilding recently installed the first section of the aircraft carrier flight deck on aircraft carrier John F. Kennedy (CVN 79).