ThefunctionofcalTiergasinthesynthesisforcarbonnanotubesbyCVDmethod FENGMeng,ZHANGYang—huan,DONGXiao—ping,RENJiang-yuan,WANGXin-lin (DepartmentofFunctionalMaterial,CentralIron&SteelResearchInstitute,Beijing100081,China) Abstract.Carbonnanotubesareanexcellentperformancequasi—one-dimensionnanomateria1.CVDmethodwas ...
In a process of forming a silicon oxide film 116 that constitutes an interlayer insulating film with TEOS as a raw material through the plasma CVD method, the RF output is oscillated at 50 W, and the RF output is gradually increased from 50 W to 250 W (an output value at the time of...
The word “graphene” refers to a single-layer sheet of hexagonally-arranged carbon atoms. Today we are just beginning to understand how to harness the useful properties of graphene. Scientists are exploring many possible use of graphene in areas such as energy storage, information storage, printed...
生长方法Growth Method MPCVD 厚度Thickness 0~500um;可定制 厚度公差Thickness tolerance +/- 20um 尺寸Size 1cm*1cm;2英寸 ; 可定制 生长面表面粗糙度Roughness of growth surface(Ra) < 30 nm Ra FWHM (D111) 0.354 热膨胀系数Coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) 1.3 (10-6K-1) 热导率Thermal condu...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a method and an apparatus for forming a deposition film by a microwave plasma CVD method in which any breakage of a microwave introduction window or film adhesion thereto caused by the heat of the plasma can be prevented, and the uniform plasma can be ...
Wuyi Wang,Thomas Moses,Robert C.Linares.2003.Gem-quality synthetic diamonds grown by a chemical vapor deposition(CVD)method.Gems&Gemolo-gy,39(4):206~283. Wuyi Wang,Alexandre Tallaire,Matthew S.Hall.2005.Experimental CVD synthetic diamonds from LIMHP-CNRS,France.Gems&Gemology,41(3):234~244...
一种二硫化钼薄膜的制备方法及二硫化钼薄膜 热度: 石墨烯和二硫化钼的CVD法制备及其光学性能的研究 热度: ALD法制备二维二硫化钼薄膜的研究现状及展望 热度: 相关推荐 分类号:O469密级:可公开 UDC:编号: CVD法制备二硫化钼薄膜及物性研究 PREPARATIONANDPROPERTIESOFMOLYBDENUM DISULFIDEFILMSOBTAINEDBYCVDMETHOD 学位授予...
A method for forming a self-aligned contact structure is disclosed based on an HDP-CVD (High-Density Plasma-Chemical Vapor Deposition) process. Initially, after a polysilicon layer and a metal layer are deposited and patterned on a wafer to fabricate a gate stack, an HDP-CVD process is emplo...
CVDmethodCanbeusedto prepare Ti02 thinfilms on-line,which is veryimportant to the glassfactory. Key words:ChemicaI Vapor Deposition(OVD),Ti02 thin fi Ims,deposition condi ti on.photocata I yt i C degenerat i on,methy I orange