五、趣味学英语:好玩的短元音 CVC 单词游戏六、趣味学英语:100张CVC词抽认卡及读写练习七、趣味学英语:CVC词卡八、趣味英语启蒙:Reading CVC Words九、英语启蒙素材:CVC单词涂色十、英语启蒙素材:雪人CVC词十一、英语启蒙:CVCE单词汇总十二、英语启蒙:CVC单词汇总 本站仅提供存储服务,所有内容均由用户发布,如发现有...
then CCVC words (consonant consonant vowel consonant) and CVCC words (consonant vowel consonant consonant). Understand how teachers will present the different words in the classroom and how to support your child's learning at home in our parents' guide to decoding and blending sounds. ...
Engage with CVCC and CCVC words using our cut and paste worksheet. A fun way to boost reading and word recognition skills. Download free printable worksheets!
1.Word Finder Based on the traditional find-a-word game, phonics find-a-word "sounds out" the word when the student correctly locates it. The word is selected by sliding a finger across or down the matching letters. Many students will find this activity difficult until they learn a methodi...
1.Word Finder Based on the traditional find-a-word game, phonics find-a-word "sounds out" the word when the student correctly locates it. The word is selected by sliding a finger across or down the matching letters. Many students will find this activity difficult until they learn a methodi...
Lisa美语 辅音 by:Yaya英语 2109 自然拼读(元音组合及辅音组合) by:SLANS思澜探索家 7.2万 剑桥预备-辅音 by:BFB百分百 1万 辅音音标点读卡 by:喵小豆521 4609 初中含有介副词的短语 by:英语小酒吧 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 声音主播 ...
3)含有辅音丛的CCVC,CVCC等结构的单词的拼读和拼写 2702019-06 4 4) 今有元音字母组合的单词的拼读和拼写 5382019-06 5 5) magic e单词的拼读和拼写 2942019-06 6 6) 词族(word family)——孩子识别单词的魔法石 2542019-06 7 5. 四种自然拼读学习法的比较 2972019-06 8 6.五个温馨提示——送给亲自指...
1.Word Finder Based on the traditional find-a-word game, phonics find-a-word "sounds out" the word when the student correctly locates it. The word is selected by sliding a finger across or down the matching letters. Many students will find this activity difficult until they learn a methodi...
• Single word‘Sound OutAnd Spel l ’activities incorporating CCVC words (with pictorial support) . • Single word‘Sound OutAnd Spel l ’activities incorporating CCVC words (without pictorial support) . • ‘MiniSil lySentence Reading and Writing’activities incorporating CCVCwords. ...