The puzzles that come with the set are another fun way to practice spelling the words. They have the same words and pictures as the word cards, but you don’t need the letter tiles to use them. How to Download the Short E CVC Words Set? This is available for purchase in my shop. ...
• 19 pages with mixed words 4 words per page YOU MAY ALSO LIKE I have a variety of simple writing activities targeted at beginner writers and I'm currently developing all the idea I've been using with my beginner writers for years into resources to list. Here are some: Writing Sim...
the pictures in the case file. Print the pages in color and laminate; this makes the activity for lots of practice reading and decoding words. Cut out each individual case if you like -you can just cut the page in 4 or you can neatly trim around each case file – the choice is ...
You can use this worksheet as a spelling page, as well, to see if your child can spell the words without looking at the snowmen. CVC Words Activities We have lots morecvc word practicewith tons of free printable worksheets and funcvc activities!
Some hands-on way to practice CVC words includes: Segmenting and blending CVC words audibly/with Elkonin boxes and/or manipulatives Word mapping CVC words CVC word cards – matching CVC words with pictures Building CVC words with magnetic letters CVC word mats I Spy Phonics – CVC Words Editi...
Just print, cut, and laminate the secret code CVC activity mats. It’s a good idea to go over the names of the beginning sound pictures with your students before they complete this activity independently. (Picture names can be found on the teacher direction page.) ...
Pairing CVC words with pictures helps early readers connect words to objects and make meaning. Each short vowel word card in this set has a picture to accompany the word. Make sure to introduce each word you put on the wall with great fanfare! Limit additions to the word wall to about fi...
CVCe wordsare consonant-vowel-consonant-silent e. Examples: rake, tube, like, poke How to use the printable Print and laminate the pages. Cut apart the cards. On the back of each card, draw a small dot on the back of the correct answer using permanent marker. ...
CVC Word Builders is a fun, hands-on way to practice word families and mixed review of CVC words. There are a total of50 setsof cards included in this packet. Each card contains 3-4 CVC pictures, to build a total of194 CVCwords!
CVC Word Review:Hand your students a version of the sheetwithoutthe words in the columns and have them brainstorm as many as they can remember, writing them in the correct “rhyming column” as they go.Pro Tip:This makes a great brainstorming activity at the beginning of a unit to get ...