3️⃣ CVC Words Find and Match找词配对:在众多单词中找到正确的配对,锻炼孩子的观察力和记忆力。 4️⃣ CVC Words Worksheets看图选词:通过看图选词,让孩子在语境中学习CVC单词。 5️⃣ CVC_SHORT_A_Word_Family单词卡:专注于short a音节的单词,帮助孩子更好地掌握。 6️⃣ CVC_Word list单词...
CVC单词中间必须有一个元音(a,e,i,o,u),也就是由这五个元音组成的单词,这些元音在CVC单词中,都发短元音。比如下方这个CVC list 中的Shart A 部分: 在上面CVC单词发音中,我们其实是可以发现所有的元音是短元音,而这个也是CVC的发音规律。 3. 初级拼读 blend 组合辅音 Blend是组合辅音,是指两个或以上字母组...
Short I CVC ListShort I Chart Short O CVC ListShort O Chart Short U CVC ListShort U Chart Ways to Use CVC Word Lists With Your Students Now that you have such a useful resource, it’s time to make the most of it! Try these ideas to get started with CVC words in your classroom:...
Do you ever find yourself stuck when you’re trying to think of short vowel words for your beginning reader? I’m sharing a free printable CVC word list! (This post contains affiliate links.) Lately my Four’s reading ability has taken a big leap. No more slooow sounding out of CVC ...
Explore our free printable CVC word lists for kindergarten, featuring short vowel sounds, word families, high-frequency words, and seasonal vocabulary. Designed to enhance phonemic awareness and reading skills, these resources are perfect for early liter
CVC words on this activity include rug, rat, jet, fan, hat, pen. Pre-K through 1st Grade Missing Letters (Short O Words) Write the missing letters to make a short o word. List includes pot, cop, pop, mop, hog, hot. Pre-K through 1st Grade Word Ladders Word Ladder: Rug to Hat...
Are you looking for a way to target segmenting and blending words? This deck includes 37 cards that address segmenting and blending sounds in CVC words with the short "A" sound. The words include the -ab, -ad, -ag, -ap and -at word families. There is one word per card. The student...
Check out the list of materials that we use with these printables. What are CVC Words? CVC words are short, simple words that contain consonant-vowel-consonant sounds. These short words are easy for children to learn to break down into individual sounds, making them perfect for beginner reader...
If you are teaching CVC words (consonant-vowel-consonant words), and are looking for a free printable CVC words list, you have come to the right spot! I have one here for you. This list includes a list of three-letter words with the short sound of the vowel. CVC Words are good for...
These activities will help students to sound out and blend letters, read words as a group, and have several opportunities to read independently or with teacher assistance. On the third class each week, we will play a review game. This class covers all the short vowel sounds (A, E, I, ...