Proper insertion technique, line maintenance, and prompt removal when no longer needed can mitigate these risks. Always monitor your clients closely for signs of complications. What is a PICC line? A PICC line (peripherally inserted central catheter) is a long, thin tube that’s inserted through...
⊙ 住院患者PICC相关性CLABSI发生率为5.8%,使用CVC的患者的发生率为5.8%。而在门诊患者中,使用PICC的患者的CLABSI发生率为0.5%,使用CVC的患者的发生率为2.1%; ⊙与使用CVC相比,使用PICC的患者CLABSI的总体发生率较低(RR=0.62, 95%CI=0.40-0.94),然而,该合并值有较大的异质性(I2=85.2%; P <> ⊙ 住院是...
The Science of a "Seal" for PICC Line Management: BIOSEAL CVC Powder As An Alternative Hemostatic Agent That Keeps Sites Dry And Intact To assess the ability of BIOSEAL CVC Powder (Biolife, LLC, Sarasota, FL) to achieve hemostasis for Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC) line ...
line with a fl ow of 3 mL hr of saline was connected to a PICC line that was open to the atmosphere i e no back pressure The back pressure generated by the resistance of the PICC line to the fl ow of 3 mL hr was measured Patient Selection The clinical portion of the study was a...
经外周静脉穿刺中心静脉置管(PICC)与其它中心静脉置管(CVC)患者发生导管相关血流感染的最佳证据有哪些? 证据来源 中心静脉导管(CVCs) 被广泛地用于重症患者治疗,然而其面临着显著的血流感染(BSI) 风险1。在卫生保健机构中,由于置管的便捷性、可预见的安全性及与其它CVC相比的成本效益,经外周静脉穿刺中心静脉置管(...