un: bun, fun, gun, nun, pun, run, sun, spun, stun ud: bud, cud, dud, mud, spud, stud, thud uck: buck, duck, luck, muck, puck, suck, tuck, yuck, chuck, cluck, pluck, stuck, truck ush: gush, hush, lush, mush, rush, blush, brush, crush, flush, slush Other: pup, cup...
“I know how to run the universe a bit better than you do.” Instead of saying, “This really hurts, but I’m ready to receive whatever I must receive from God’s hand”, grumbling says, “This stinks, and I’m ready torebel against God’s heart.” That’s the difference.” ...
字母与发音一一对应的辅音: b -- ball d -- dog f -- fish h -- hat j -- jump k -- kite l -- leg m -- man n -- not p -- pen q – quick r -- run s -- sun t -- ten v -- vest w -- water z -- zoo (注意 q 与 u 总是连在一起的) 有多个发音的辅音...
But they often run out of tortillas before the end of the day. UpvoteDownvote Levi WallachJune 9, 2010 Been here 25+ times One of the best wine selections of any local Wholefoods, they have a whole floor devoted to wine tastings with small food plates. Upvote1Downvote 😻Deniz Hackner...