英文:When shopping online, you need to enter your credit card number, expiration date, and CVC code to complete the payment. 医学领域:医生为危重病人插入了CVC导管,以便进行持续的输液和监测。 英文:The doctor inserted a CVC catheter into the critically ill patient fo...
另外CSC,CSN,CVC等等都是CVV2的同义词了。所谓C就是Card或Code缩写,S就是Secure,N是Number,V是Verification。组合的方式有很多了。 值得一提的是,与大部分卡组织将CVV2印刷在卡背面的后三位数字的做法不同,美国运通卡(American Express)是印刷在卡正面,并且是4位数字。。 卡组织 在谈论海外信用卡的时候,卡组织...
Your CVV number (card verification value) or CVC (card verification code) on your credit card or debit card is a three- or four-digit number printed on your card. If you have a Visa or Mastercard credit or debit card, it’ll be a three-digit number on the back of your card. If ...
If you’re using your credit card to make a purchase online or over the phone, you’ll usually be asked to provide the name on your card, the account number, expiration date and something called your CVV or CVC number. These three or four digits are located on the back of your card ...
What Is the CVC on a Credit Card? Image Credit:kieferpix/iStock/GettyImages Providing an extra layer of protection for credit card purchases, the card verification code, or CVC, is a three or four-digit number found on all major brands of credit cards including MasterCard, Visa, Discover ...
原文(英语): you cvc/cvv number is the three-digit number found on the signature strip on the back of your credit card更多:https://www.bmcx.com/ 翻译结果(繁体中文)1: 你CVC / CVV號碼是發現您的信用卡背面的簽名條上的三位數字更多:https://www.bmcx.com/ ...
Thefullcreditcardnumberisreprintedin thesignatureboxand at the end of thenumberis the CVC. Can I have the CVCnumberfrom the back ofyourcard,please? More examples You willfindyourCVC on the back ofyourcredit/debitcardon therightsideof thewhitesignaturestrip. The CVC is anextracodeprintedonyour...
原文(英语): you cvc/cvv number is the three-digit number found on the signature stirp on the back of your credit card更多:https://www.bmcx.com/ 翻译结果(繁体中文)1: 你CVC / CVV號碼是上簽名stirp發現您的信用卡背面的三位數字更多:https://www.bmcx.com/ ...
On every purchase you make online using your debit or credit card, you will be asked to give the unique 3-digit CVV code at the back of it. This is always required to complete the transaction. Have you ever thought about the importance of that 3-digit CVV number? To begin, A CVV ...