A motorist is presumed to be in violation of California’s basic speeding law if driving at an excessive speed. This presumption though can be rebutted if the motorist shows he was driving safe and reasonable. The fine for a violation of Vehicle Code 22354 VC can range from $35.00 to more...
speed;deformationdegree. .V. CVC9。”3轧机窜辊时上支承辊轴向力分析 CVC’LU8轧机窜辊时上支承辊轴向力分析 l简化问题 上支承辊与上工作辊的位置关系如图1所示。窜辊时,上支承辊与上工作辊的受 力模型可以简化为图2所示的形式。在图2中,x代表轧辊轴线方向,Z代表轧机高 ...