想要获得这份CVC词语清单,可以复制免费下载网址:http://www.k12reader.com/worksheet/printable-cvc-word-list-chart-for-all-5-vowels/view/ CVC he CVCe中元音的发音 在上面的CVC单词清单中,你会发现所有的元音都是短元音,这就是它的发音规律。 在这里就不...
想要获得这份CVC词语清单,可以复制免费下载网址:/worksheet/printable-cvc-word-list-chart-for-all-5-vowels/view/ CVC he CVCe中元音的发音 在上面的CVC单词清单中,你会发现所有的元音都是短元音,这就是它的发音规律。 在这里就不得不提一下CVCe单词,这个e是在单词后面不发音的,但是却改变了元音的发音,在CVCe...
If you have learners that have trouble distinguishing between CVC and CVCe words, this printable is for you. What are CVC and CVCE words? CVC wordsare consonant-short vowel-consonant. Examples: cat, box, rod, wig CVCe wordsare consonant-vowel-consonant-silent e. Examples: rake, tube, like,...
想要获得这份CVC词语清单,可以复制免费下载网址:http://www.k12reader.com/worksheet/printable-cvc-word-list-chart-for-all-5-vowels/view/ CVC he CVCe中元音的发音 在上面的CVC单词清单中,你会发现所有的元音都是短元音,这就是它的发音规律。 在这里就不得不提一下CVCe单词,这个e是在单词后面不发音的,但是...
Once kids understand how to read CVC words, they move on toCVCe words, words with blends and digraphs, and much more complex words! Find and Color CVC Words Worksheets A worksheet for each vowel sound gives you five opportunities to practice short vowels. Students will enjoy finding the sound...
-If Player 1 spells the word correctly on the first try, he/she spins the spinner and moves ahead the number of spaces indicated. The game continues to the next player with the player to his/her left reading the word for the player to spell. ...
Fun Christmas Themed CVC Word Families Game Fun Rainbow Word Families Game for CVC, CCVC, & CVCe Still Need More Word Family Practice? ‘ad’ Word Family CVC Activities ‘at’ Word Family CVC Activities CVC Word Family Clip Cards CVC Word Task Cards Back to School CVC Word Building Mats...
4.教具群素材04|自然拼读短元音Short Vowel思维导图11套&另附高频词List22页6.自拼素材分享|这162套自然拼读练习纸~丰富孩子们寒假生活10.教具群素材10|自然拼读CVCE教具8套(含转盘/魔法棒/青蛙跳/苹果篮子/螃蟹卡片)18.教具群素材18...
Build reading fluency, reading confidence, AND CVC and CVCE word recognition with this bundle of Fluency Triangles®.These fluency passages are great for ALL readers, but especially for your children who are struggling with reading, who groan when it’s time to read, who give up easily, ...
CVC vs CVCE words 142022-03 3 Hope's map 122022-03 4 Counting From 20-50 92022-03 5 Word Builder 132022-03 6 The Big Turnip 172022-02 7 Find Words Review&Word Builder 122022-02 8 Make a grocery list 142022-02 9 Word Family Portrait 62022-02 10 5. Go,Max,Go! 292022-02 查看更多...